Blue Lakes Elopement

colorado springs florist

Blue Lakes Elopement


Tyler reached out with a few different ideas for her bridal bouquet but in the final say, gave me free range of designing something beautiful for her day! White roses were a must — and as we talked more about their day, relationship and dreams… butterfly ranunculus was another perfect fit.

This bouquet featured white roses, butterfly ranunculus, burgundy dahlias and a sprinkle of calycina which gave that perfect wildflower texture. To finish it off, we tied it with a delicate velvet ribbon that really completed the look.

When Tyler tagged me in her sneak peak photos from their elopement, my jaw dropped. Lindsay Grace Photography totally crushed it with the photos — and I’m so honored she shared them with me! Colorado amazes me in new ways each and everyday. This Blue Lakes elopement was one for the books.